Sunday, October 5, 2008


Well, this Friday night my friend and I were confined to office walls, trapped due to a tremendous amount of work that kept late at night in the office and depriving us of all other extra curricular activities. The more we waited the more we wanted to escape into oblivion with few good drinks and smokes. So after a whole tired night we wondered off into the night only to find out that it was the non-alcoholic day. The bars were deserted; doors clamped shut, with multiple padlocks, chained shut cold and dark…

We, like two hopeless mice wondered off into the dark city night with two smokes lit up wondering what to do next. You see Fridays on you're meant to get wasted, and there’s a good reason why I don’t bring the vehicle as DUI takes a heavy tall on a wasted mind and post drunk activities. Concentration, cops! Directions, dropping people off…all are liabilities associated with being the guy with the car! This is not what you want to be if you are planning to get wasted.

So been the regular club freaks, but looking at the state we were in, we had to look towards our last resort, Friday Night Clubbing! So, called up Ninja, the thin skinny bastard who made it his habit to sleep on Zanziba’s couches.

'Machan where are you?'

'Well, machan Im at Awissawella..'

'Awissawella Wtf!? Whaat are you doin there..'

'Well machn we are at Thilan’s quarters, everyone’s there'...(singing and all the other drunken anecdotes can be heard in the background)

'OOok f*ckers went alone neh?? Damn u!!'

Ok so Thilan, the tobacco guy. Being in his own quarters…it was only a matter of time that we were going to crash his place one day, but not so soon and not this sudden. Ok so how the hell are we gonna get to Awissawella and was it worth it? And we learnt that the goods are draining fast due to heavy consumption and if we are to join we would have to bring at least two more bottles. But what the hell can we do? Its almost 11.00pm, no way of transport, stuck in a freaking desert city and worst of all!! We are still sober!! This is was no way to be spending Friday Night!

It was time for some desperate contingency plans; a few puffs engulfed our lungs, laid off a few particles of carbon and nicotine and breezed out giving a few ideas. There are a few places where you can get the goodies if you know where to look. So called up Kelum, the person to contact if you are in dire situations like this..

Machan raa bottle ekak ganna thanak danna wada??

Whaa..mona *&*&@*&@#oi!!..ok wait…theres a Boralasgamuwa junction

OK to the trishaw we went. Boralasgamuwa Junction. Few lights, the place…CLOSED. Chained shut! Damn!! Nooooo..this can’t be happening! But its its! This is a place I know, and most of all it was a place that Kelum knew…what to do…that hope is also gone. But wait! There’s one option the trishaw guy….!

Ahh malli kalin kiyanna thibunane! Gods were smiling upon at us!(or not!)

So there we went! Well, if you are roaming around Nugegoda you might know the place( it’s a normal bar restaurant close to the junction. Went to the place…cried the owner’s name…got two bottles for like 800 each (deffa worth the price!) And there we were….with two Black Labels in our bags waiting for a bus to Awissawella….Had a memorable journey in the packed, steaming bus which flew to the destination in exactly an hour.

After a mobile call while waiting near the Awissawella Restaurant we were picked up by our friends ensuring that NOBODY WILL BE SOBER TODAY!


  1. ha ha haaaaaaa.
    now i should change this blog's name to,
    drunkards' mathawaada....
    holy f***ing S**t!!!!!
    Damn you!!!Skull

  2. heheh MAN YOU ARE CRAZY!!!! LOVE IT!!!!! GOD TO SEE THE LOOKS ON YOUR FACES THE DESPAIR AND THE UTTER EPHPHANY OF FINDING A PLACE OPEN!!! MAAAAAN!!!! ROFL!!!!! Drunkard's Mathawaada it is.. ot better DRG ... Stoner's or The Mafia Mathawada
    Totally awesome... I bow to you skull... party you do

    And where is this place that's open.... ??? My da might like to know ;)

  3. damn you fuckers.. u went without me... u buggers party while am stuck at home studying god forsaken bull shit!

    Ado wait till the 20th.. party we will!

  4. btw i know this place its the dominion right... deffa place machan.. always open and even issues stuff after 10...
    bought some goodies from here once when we where having a late night at uni...

  5. i suggest boozewaada,if ny1s lookin for a name! hehe! yeah man,enjoyed e weekend to e max!

  6. lol....

    @drg yeah i dnt mind changin the name..:D

    @pavitri yeh men! the thrishaw bugger was from heaven! and i think u already kno d place..;)

    @whackster lol thnx dude :D..

    @Bawa i kno u cant wait bro..after the exams deffa!!...btw its not dominion ..but u ve been there so many times..

    @ Ayesh..hehe talk abt it bro..had quite a time eh?
